Open Records Request
The City of Warm Springs is dedicated to complying with the Georgia Open Records Act, O.C.G.A. 50-18-70. To provide responsive records in an efficient process, we will need to have the following information completed.
I understand the City has three (3) business days to review and respond to my request. Additionally, I understand this does not necessarily mean the documents will be ready in three (3) business days. I understand the city may redact sections of the document that contain privileged or confidential information protected by the Open Records Act. I understand the Open Records Act allows the City to charge administrative fees for the cost of search, retrieval, redaction, supervising, and/or copying of the requested documents. This fee is determined based on the hourly rate of the lowest paid full-time employee with the necessary skills and training to complete my request, with no charge for the first fifteen (15) minutes. The charge for copying letters or legal-sized documents is $0.10 per page. I agree to pay all the copying and administrative costs associated with fulfilling my open records request at the time the record is provided to me.