Rates and Fee Schedules

Refundable New Residential Customer Deposit $150.00
Refundable New Industrial/Commercial Customer Deposit $200.00
Non-refundable Residential or Industrial/Commercial Service Agreement $50.00
Base Rate Residential Water Inside City $17.00
Base Rate Residential Sewer Inside City $17.00
Base Rate Residential Water Outside City $26.00
Base Rate Residential Sewer Outside City $26.00
Base Rate Water Industrial/Commercial Inside City $34.00
Base Rate Sewer Industrial/Commercial Inside City $34.00
Base Rate Water Industrial/Commercial Outside City $36.00
Base Rate Sewer Industrial/Commercial Outside City $36.00
Rate per 1000 Gallons $7.95
Garbage Residential $18.00
Garbage Commercial $21.72
Garbage 4 Yard Dumpster $52.30
Garbage 6 Yard Dumpster $73.82
Garbage 8 Yard Dumpster $97.72
Return Check Fee $45.00
Reconnection Fee $75.00
Late Fees 10% of the balance applied on the 21st of each month  


Inside City Limits 5/8"-3/4"  1" 1.5"
Water Meter
(Digital or Analog-replacing existing meter on existing line)
$600.00 $1000.00 $1250.00

Water Tap
(Full Install-replacing the meter and a new connection needs to be made)

$1250.00 $1500.00 $1800.00
Outside City Limits 5/8"-3/4"  1" 1.5"
Water Meter
(Digital or Analog-replacing existing meter on existing line)
$700.00   $1250.00  $1500.00
Water Tap
(Full Install-replacing the meter and a new connection needs to be made)
$1350.00 $1800.00 $2100.00