Report a Leak

Unrepaired water leaks can lead to large amounts of water loss:

  1. Flushing a Toilet = 3 Gallons
  2. Filling up a Bathtub = 42 Gallons
  3. Taking a Shower = 17 Gallons
  4. Washing a load of Clothes = 45 Gallons
  5. Dripping Faucet @ 1/4 GPM = 10,800 Gallons/month
  6. Leaking Toilet @ 1/2 GPM = 21,600 Gallons/month
  7. Watering Garden @ 10 GPM = 36,000 Gallons/month
  8. Unattended Water Hose for 12 hours @ 10 GPM = 5,400 Gallons
  9. Broken Water Line on Customer Side @ 15 GPM = 648,000 Gallons/month

If you have a water leak repaired and you live in the city limits; after the leak is repaired, bring a written paragraph about where the leak was, approx. date when you found the leak, and any receipts or invoices for the repair. The utility clerk will look at the submitted paperwork and see if you are eligible for credit on the sewage not used due to the leak.

Report a Leak:

To report a leak, please enter your information below and we'll contact you as soon as possible.